The Trill Broadcast #2

6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts + £50 Amazon Voucher.

May 29, 2024

6 min read

The Trill Broadcast #2

6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts + £50 Amazon Voucher.

May 29, 2024

6 min read

The Trill Broadcast #2

6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts + £50 Amazon Voucher.

May 29, 2024

6 min read

Topics Covered In This Issue Of The Trill Broadcast:

  • 6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts

  • Quotes Of The Month

  • My Current Reads & Book Recommendations

  • My Current Workout & Training Schedule

  • Link Lowdown [Links To Useful Resources & Interesting Things I’ve Recently Come Across]

  • My Personal Digital Channels & Social Media Links

  • Free £50 Amazon Voucher [For Whoever Redeems It First]

6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts:

  1. Authenticity - "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - RW Emerson. Truly understanding oneself & being unashamed to express it is such an exceptional superpower. Highlighting what you stand for / truly want will help you navigate through life with more fulfilment and authenticity. Reject what you know is truly not for you and learn to feel okay with the decision. From trends, to life choices and behaviours; if it does not align with the person you are / want to be, you are not obligated to accept or adopt it.

  2. The Importance Of Relationships & Community - One of the greatest blessings we are bestowed, yet one of the most overlooked. In a world of social media, hustle culture and fast paced technology; it has become increasingly easier to lose sight of its importance. Having genuine people you can both trust and rely on is an absolute godsend. However, nothing worth having comes without effort. Maintaining and cultivating these relationships is also equally important. Check in with loved ones, plan dates, exchange gifts and make an effort to assure your love is felt.

  3. Gratitude - "If you're not grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?" - Naval Ravikant. Unlimited desires are often extremely detrimental to our overall peace and wellbeing. Having goals & ambitions is great, but you should never adopt them as your entire identity. While you strive to improve and progress, always take time to appreciate the things that truly matter. From the life you have built thus far, to your health, family and friends. These true blessings often only come around once in a lifetime.

  4. Empathy & Emotional Intelligence - As we navigate through life, we are rarely ever taught how to be empathetic or actually develop our emotional intelligence. Some are blessed enough to be naturally born with it. However, most people end up having to teach themselves as they mature. The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be selfless enough to accommodate for their perspective (even if it opposes your own), is a character trait that will allow you to both maintain and build genuinely meaningful relationships. Many are fighting battles you know nothing about, so make an effort to be more understanding.

  5. Simplicity & Procrastination - A lack of clarity and direction is often what causes procrastination and a delay in action. Simplicity is key for both a peaceful and focused life. By removing unnecessary clutter, we can better appreciate what truly matters and reduce the mental fatigue that usually precedes procrastination. Embracing simplicity also aids us in making clearer decisions, enjoying deeper connections, and finding joy in the small beauties of life.

  6. Networking - Although a phenomenal life skill. I believe its impact is often overstated. Without any genuine substance or value, it is extremely difficult to truly ‘network’ with those you desire to. Instead, the focus should be directed towards becoming the best version of yourself and improving your craft. Throughout this journey, not only will you develop into the person that others want to ‘network’ with, you’ll also learn valuable skills and lessons that make you an individual others want to engage with and introduce to upcoming opportunities. At this point is when you will truly start to reap the benefits of ‘networking’.

Quotes Of The Month:

  • "If you cannot yet do great things, do small things in a great way." - Napoleon Hill

  • "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius

  • "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde

  • "A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.” - Naval Ravikant

  • "When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius

My Current Reads & Book Recommendations:

My Current Workout & Training Schedule:

  • Yoga & Mobility Stretches Every Morning

  • Monday: Legs [Gym] | 15km Run

  • Tuesday: Abs & Chest & Triceps [Gym] | 10km Run

  • Wednesday: Back & Biceps [Gym] | Sauna

  • Thursday: Abs & Shoulders [Gym] | Track Run

  • Friday: Biceps & Triceps [Gym] | 20km Bike Ride

  • Saturday: Long Run [20 - 35km] | Sauna

  • Sunday: Rest Day

Link Lowdown:

[Links To Useful Resources & Interesting Things I’ve Recently Come Across]

15 Powerful Visuals About Psychology & Life - A fantastic Twitter / X thread with 15 photo illustrations of extremely useful life advice.

Strong App - A straightforward and well designed app that I use to track my workouts, routines and progress in the gym.

Happiness - Fantastic podcast episode by Naval Ravikant that provides a brilliant perspective on happiness and fulfilment in general life.

'The Local Project' YouTube Channel - A YouTube channel based on architecture and design. Showcases some of the most beautiful and unique real estate around the globe.

How Red Bull Makes Money - A short video that provides a fascinating insight into the history of Red Bull and how selling drinks is only a small portion of a much larger corporate machine.

Myers Briggs Personality Test - Fantastic resource to better understand your habits, skills and personality. Great for those struggling with clarity and direction in general life. Would also highly recommend getting your partner to take a test and reading their results to gain a better understanding of each other.

My Personal Digital Channels & Social Media Links:

My Personal Website [For Future Community & Membership Updates]

My Amazon Storefront [All The Products I Use & Recommend]

My Linktree [All Social Media Links]

Free £50 Amazon Voucher:

  • Claim Code: KK3C-KSX5JM-TDBF [For Whoever Redeems It First]

Topics Covered In This Issue Of The Trill Broadcast:

  • 6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts

  • Quotes Of The Month

  • My Current Reads & Book Recommendations

  • My Current Workout & Training Schedule

  • Link Lowdown [Links To Useful Resources & Interesting Things I’ve Recently Come Across]

  • My Personal Digital Channels & Social Media Links

  • Free £50 Amazon Voucher [For Whoever Redeems It First]

6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts:

  1. Authenticity - "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - RW Emerson. Truly understanding oneself & being unashamed to express it is such an exceptional superpower. Highlighting what you stand for / truly want will help you navigate through life with more fulfilment and authenticity. Reject what you know is truly not for you and learn to feel okay with the decision. From trends, to life choices and behaviours; if it does not align with the person you are / want to be, you are not obligated to accept or adopt it.

  2. The Importance Of Relationships & Community - One of the greatest blessings we are bestowed, yet one of the most overlooked. In a world of social media, hustle culture and fast paced technology; it has become increasingly easier to lose sight of its importance. Having genuine people you can both trust and rely on is an absolute godsend. However, nothing worth having comes without effort. Maintaining and cultivating these relationships is also equally important. Check in with loved ones, plan dates, exchange gifts and make an effort to assure your love is felt.

  3. Gratitude - "If you're not grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?" - Naval Ravikant. Unlimited desires are often extremely detrimental to our overall peace and wellbeing. Having goals & ambitions is great, but you should never adopt them as your entire identity. While you strive to improve and progress, always take time to appreciate the things that truly matter. From the life you have built thus far, to your health, family and friends. These true blessings often only come around once in a lifetime.

  4. Empathy & Emotional Intelligence - As we navigate through life, we are rarely ever taught how to be empathetic or actually develop our emotional intelligence. Some are blessed enough to be naturally born with it. However, most people end up having to teach themselves as they mature. The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be selfless enough to accommodate for their perspective (even if it opposes your own), is a character trait that will allow you to both maintain and build genuinely meaningful relationships. Many are fighting battles you know nothing about, so make an effort to be more understanding.

  5. Simplicity & Procrastination - A lack of clarity and direction is often what causes procrastination and a delay in action. Simplicity is key for both a peaceful and focused life. By removing unnecessary clutter, we can better appreciate what truly matters and reduce the mental fatigue that usually precedes procrastination. Embracing simplicity also aids us in making clearer decisions, enjoying deeper connections, and finding joy in the small beauties of life.

  6. Networking - Although a phenomenal life skill. I believe its impact is often overstated. Without any genuine substance or value, it is extremely difficult to truly ‘network’ with those you desire to. Instead, the focus should be directed towards becoming the best version of yourself and improving your craft. Throughout this journey, not only will you develop into the person that others want to ‘network’ with, you’ll also learn valuable skills and lessons that make you an individual others want to engage with and introduce to upcoming opportunities. At this point is when you will truly start to reap the benefits of ‘networking’.

Quotes Of The Month:

  • "If you cannot yet do great things, do small things in a great way." - Napoleon Hill

  • "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius

  • "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde

  • "A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.” - Naval Ravikant

  • "When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius

My Current Reads & Book Recommendations:

My Current Workout & Training Schedule:

  • Yoga & Mobility Stretches Every Morning

  • Monday: Legs [Gym] | 15km Run

  • Tuesday: Abs & Chest & Triceps [Gym] | 10km Run

  • Wednesday: Back & Biceps [Gym] | Sauna

  • Thursday: Abs & Shoulders [Gym] | Track Run

  • Friday: Biceps & Triceps [Gym] | 20km Bike Ride

  • Saturday: Long Run [20 - 35km] | Sauna

  • Sunday: Rest Day

Link Lowdown:

[Links To Useful Resources & Interesting Things I’ve Recently Come Across]

15 Powerful Visuals About Psychology & Life - A fantastic Twitter / X thread with 15 photo illustrations of extremely useful life advice.

Strong App - A straightforward and well designed app that I use to track my workouts, routines and progress in the gym.

Happiness - Fantastic podcast episode by Naval Ravikant that provides a brilliant perspective on happiness and fulfilment in general life.

'The Local Project' YouTube Channel - A YouTube channel based on architecture and design. Showcases some of the most beautiful and unique real estate around the globe.

How Red Bull Makes Money - A short video that provides a fascinating insight into the history of Red Bull and how selling drinks is only a small portion of a much larger corporate machine.

Myers Briggs Personality Test - Fantastic resource to better understand your habits, skills and personality. Great for those struggling with clarity and direction in general life. Would also highly recommend getting your partner to take a test and reading their results to gain a better understanding of each other.

My Personal Digital Channels & Social Media Links:

My Personal Website [For Future Community & Membership Updates]

My Amazon Storefront [All The Products I Use & Recommend]

My Linktree [All Social Media Links]

Free £50 Amazon Voucher:

  • Claim Code: KK3C-KSX5JM-TDBF [For Whoever Redeems It First]

Topics Covered In This Issue Of The Trill Broadcast:

  • 6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts

  • Quotes Of The Month

  • My Current Reads & Book Recommendations

  • My Current Workout & Training Schedule

  • Link Lowdown [Links To Useful Resources & Interesting Things I’ve Recently Come Across]

  • My Personal Digital Channels & Social Media Links

  • Free £50 Amazon Voucher [For Whoever Redeems It First]

6 Recent Life Lessons & Thoughts:

  1. Authenticity - "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - RW Emerson. Truly understanding oneself & being unashamed to express it is such an exceptional superpower. Highlighting what you stand for / truly want will help you navigate through life with more fulfilment and authenticity. Reject what you know is truly not for you and learn to feel okay with the decision. From trends, to life choices and behaviours; if it does not align with the person you are / want to be, you are not obligated to accept or adopt it.

  2. The Importance Of Relationships & Community - One of the greatest blessings we are bestowed, yet one of the most overlooked. In a world of social media, hustle culture and fast paced technology; it has become increasingly easier to lose sight of its importance. Having genuine people you can both trust and rely on is an absolute godsend. However, nothing worth having comes without effort. Maintaining and cultivating these relationships is also equally important. Check in with loved ones, plan dates, exchange gifts and make an effort to assure your love is felt.

  3. Gratitude - "If you're not grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?" - Naval Ravikant. Unlimited desires are often extremely detrimental to our overall peace and wellbeing. Having goals & ambitions is great, but you should never adopt them as your entire identity. While you strive to improve and progress, always take time to appreciate the things that truly matter. From the life you have built thus far, to your health, family and friends. These true blessings often only come around once in a lifetime.

  4. Empathy & Emotional Intelligence - As we navigate through life, we are rarely ever taught how to be empathetic or actually develop our emotional intelligence. Some are blessed enough to be naturally born with it. However, most people end up having to teach themselves as they mature. The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be selfless enough to accommodate for their perspective (even if it opposes your own), is a character trait that will allow you to both maintain and build genuinely meaningful relationships. Many are fighting battles you know nothing about, so make an effort to be more understanding.

  5. Simplicity & Procrastination - A lack of clarity and direction is often what causes procrastination and a delay in action. Simplicity is key for both a peaceful and focused life. By removing unnecessary clutter, we can better appreciate what truly matters and reduce the mental fatigue that usually precedes procrastination. Embracing simplicity also aids us in making clearer decisions, enjoying deeper connections, and finding joy in the small beauties of life.

  6. Networking - Although a phenomenal life skill. I believe its impact is often overstated. Without any genuine substance or value, it is extremely difficult to truly ‘network’ with those you desire to. Instead, the focus should be directed towards becoming the best version of yourself and improving your craft. Throughout this journey, not only will you develop into the person that others want to ‘network’ with, you’ll also learn valuable skills and lessons that make you an individual others want to engage with and introduce to upcoming opportunities. At this point is when you will truly start to reap the benefits of ‘networking’.

Quotes Of The Month:

  • "If you cannot yet do great things, do small things in a great way." - Napoleon Hill

  • "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius

  • "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde

  • "A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.” - Naval Ravikant

  • "When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius

My Current Reads & Book Recommendations:

My Current Workout & Training Schedule:

  • Yoga & Mobility Stretches Every Morning

  • Monday: Legs [Gym] | 15km Run

  • Tuesday: Abs & Chest & Triceps [Gym] | 10km Run

  • Wednesday: Back & Biceps [Gym] | Sauna

  • Thursday: Abs & Shoulders [Gym] | Track Run

  • Friday: Biceps & Triceps [Gym] | 20km Bike Ride

  • Saturday: Long Run [20 - 35km] | Sauna

  • Sunday: Rest Day

Link Lowdown:

[Links To Useful Resources & Interesting Things I’ve Recently Come Across]

15 Powerful Visuals About Psychology & Life - A fantastic Twitter / X thread with 15 photo illustrations of extremely useful life advice.

Strong App - A straightforward and well designed app that I use to track my workouts, routines and progress in the gym.

Happiness - Fantastic podcast episode by Naval Ravikant that provides a brilliant perspective on happiness and fulfilment in general life.

'The Local Project' YouTube Channel - A YouTube channel based on architecture and design. Showcases some of the most beautiful and unique real estate around the globe.

How Red Bull Makes Money - A short video that provides a fascinating insight into the history of Red Bull and how selling drinks is only a small portion of a much larger corporate machine.

Myers Briggs Personality Test - Fantastic resource to better understand your habits, skills and personality. Great for those struggling with clarity and direction in general life. Would also highly recommend getting your partner to take a test and reading their results to gain a better understanding of each other.

My Personal Digital Channels & Social Media Links:

My Personal Website [For Future Community & Membership Updates]

My Amazon Storefront [All The Products I Use & Recommend]

My Linktree [All Social Media Links]

Free £50 Amazon Voucher:

  • Claim Code: KK3C-KSX5JM-TDBF [For Whoever Redeems It First]